Toi 'The Bamboo Shaker'

The third runner-up of Astro’s Akademi Fantasia season six, Khairul Nizam Baharom or Toi, is not just a singer. He is also a multi-talented performer and musician who won 2 Gold Medals in the World Championship of Performing Arts in Hollywood in 2005 for playing the Angklung.

Toi has been playing the scintillating traditional bamboo musical instrument for 13 years and the guitar for 11 years. Singing and dancing are in his blood, especially traditional dances such as zapin and joget. Besides performing in Hollywood, Toi has also played the angklung in Denmark, Dubai and Jakarta.

Nowadays, he is a favourite choice when it comes to cultural performances overseas to help promote the country.

*Credit to

Sunday, November 15, 2009

GBOB Malaysia Final - Toi dan HyperAct tempat ke-3

Baru je sebentar tadi Toi memberitahu bahawa beliau bersama-sama bandnya Hyper Act mendapat tempat ke-3 dalam pertandingan Final GBOB Malaysia. Walaupun gagal menrebut hadiah utama rm50K dan peluang bertanding di UK namun mereka tidak berasa begitu hampa malah berazam akan mencuba lagi di tahun hadapan!!

Kepada pengunjung yang ada merakam gambar-gambar Hyper Act beraksi di Final tersebut bolehlah menghantarnya ke Gambar2 tersebut
akan diberikan kredit lamanweb /blog anda.( Thanks, in advance )



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